Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Snapshot or Art?

An interesting article regarding snapshots versus art from the Luminous Landscape. I put these things on here, but no one ever comments.....sigh.


1 comment:

Critical Light said...

Hi there,

I found that article quite interesting.I know when I am taking a snaphot or postcard image of a landscape. The scene looks nice, interesting, worth the effort of taking the photo but the image does not grab me or excite me. I 'know' when I have taken a photo that is more like art because it sends jitters through my body. On Sable Is., there were some sunsets that were just incredible, and when I took the photo I knew, there and then, I had some great images.

The light might be there, or the subject might be there, but it is when the timing is right and they both fall together at the right time, that you have a photo that excites you. You 'know' when it happens.
