Thursday, August 28, 2008


Do any of you chaps use Flickr? If so, what do you think? I posted a few images on there a while back, and go very little feedback. Then, I put a couple of monos up there, and there was a flurry of comments, and "awards" (basically invites to post on a certain group and encourage you to give awards) and invitations.

Have a look at what I mean at my photostream.


Damian Lidgard said...

Well, I have thought about flickr and not several photographers that use it. I had a look at Ivans' entries which are ones that have been posted here. There were several comments on each but I did not find them very constructive. More like 'great image' or 'please submit for this award' 'or to this group' os something like that.

So I guess it depends on what one wants. If you want simple praise and to feel honoured for including images in select photo groups or going for 'awards', then perhaps flickr is good. If you want constructive criticism, then I don't see flickr being that useful. But perhaps you are more likely to be 'found' on a site like flickr or perhaps its one route to build your presence in the photo world.

One thing to be aware of is that with sites like Facebook and the new Adobe photo sharing site, once you post an image you are effectively giving permission for the company to use that photo in any way they want. Good to check that out for Flickr. Although, you may ask is that a concern or not.


Anonymous said...

Good points. I have noticed the lack of useful comments on Flickr, but I find it really useful to see a very wide variety of other people's images and styles. The Flickr images all have a Copyright notice on them, which I assumed was for the photographer, but worth checking out I guess. All the images are low res, so no one could use them for anything serious anyway.
