Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Annual Digital Championship - Ivan's results

Well, quite a good night for us both actually, but here are my results.


Catface got the top prize (First Place) and Shadowman got the Second Place. Very pleased. Bemused that "Baby Eyes" and "All in Red" crashed and burned, especially when you saw the others that came above it, but it may not have been the done thing to award all 3 spots to one person (he says modestly!). Or, the judge just didn't like them...


The one called "Thinking..." got a commended, which I was pleased with, being my first people based entry. Perhaps it wasn't enough about people, being that the lady was small in the picture - more classically portrait/candid stuff did better. Again, glad that something a bit more out there got recogntition.

As I won the Creative section, my "Catface" image was up for "Digital Image of the Year", along with the other category winners, but it lost out to a great sporting shot. Still, very pleased to be a section winner and be in the top 5 (out of 116).

This may be my last post for a while - broadband plug is pulled today and I give back the old laptop too. However, we'll try to get broadband sorted out in the next few weeks. Until then, keep blogging in my absence.

G - I'll call you after Easter Monday about a beer in town
D - I'll call you at home about when we can see you when you are in the UK.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your win Ivan. You should be very happy with those scores.

I will keep posting stuff from Sable.

Why is your broadband plug being pulled?

See you soon...
