Wednesday, April 30, 2008


This is an image I created from several source images. One of the source images is below. The others are a view of Seattle from the Space Needle, a different sky image and a cloud (more on that later).

I am thinking of entering this created image in the "movement" category of the CCC Photographer of the Year, since there's clearly a depiction of a LOT of movement going on. Comments on the image and the process of it's construction welcomed.

The Process:

I'm sure you can work out what I did, but just in case (or if any of you have a slicker method). These are the main elements of the process rather than a logical, step by step walkthrough:

1. Cut out the jet from the original image above.
2. Pasted it onto the ariel view of Seattle
3. Replaced the sky using a blending mode
4. Put a filter over the whole image to redden it up
5. Various layers of motion blur in a variety of directions
6. Blurred the background cityscape too, to further add to the effect
7. Cut out an image of sunlight bursting through clouds to use as the basis for the core explosion
8. Drew various bits of schrapnel with the pen and blurred them out and used motion blur too
9. On various new layers, drew white/light hot-spots (the core of the explosion) then blurred and blended to create the effect
10. Flattened all layers and then some final touching up

I know this doesn't count as photography - and God only knows what Damian will think (er, perceive) of it (joke) - but comments welcomed.



Gareth said...

It looks like a still from a computer game. I hope you do submit it to CCC - it'll either blow everything away or fall on its arse, but either way it'll provoke a reaction there which is a good thing I think.

Anonymous said...

You're right - it does look like a still from a computer game! I'll take that as a compliment!!

I predict it'll fall on it's arse. but who knows. Likely some waterfall/stream on a slow shutter speed will win the movement category...

Gareth said...

It was meant as a compliment!

I think you're wrong about the moving waterfall winning. I think something else will. Four words for you:

Riding for the Disabled.

Damian Lidgard said...

I actually like this. I wouldn't have it on my wall but it really does look like a still from a video game with tons of movement. Great PS techniques. A lot of fun and I also would encourage you to submit it, if only to rattle the cage.
