Monday, April 28, 2008

Photo Stock Market Entry

This is the image that was sold as a stock image on Photographers Direct. Pretty simple. It is an image of the Biodome in Montreal. I visited Montreal a couple of years ago and just before I left there was a call from PD for particular images of Montreal. So I went there (with Sue who was attending a conference) and shot. It's use is for an educational book, about 5000 copies, $100. Low price but it is a start.


Colin said...

It's $100 more than you had before releasing the shutter. Well done!

Anonymous said...

Indeed - fastest $100 you'll ever make. If it took a few seconds to "perceive" this image and then click, and then a few minutes (say 5) to work on it later, then that's $100/5 min, or $1200/hour! Now you need to get about 10,000 images on line, with a 5% hit-rate, giving you 500 images that could 'hit' at $100 each = $50,000/year.

All I read about stock agencies is that it needs many thousands of ready-to-go images to make a decent income. Alternatively, you can go years and make next to nothing if you have a few dozen, or even a few hundred on there. Need thousands.

Great to sell one though. I came sooooo close to selling on online, but they contacted me and asked me how much, and I said £250. If I'd said £100, I'd have sold it. Still, I thought it was worth £250, and still do...
