Tuesday, October 28, 2008

3rd Anniversary Celebrations

Dear All

Critical Light will be three years old on 25th November 2008. Here is a link to that first post. Looking at my aspirations for the blog, I think we can safely say "mission accomplished". I know blogging is soooo 2005 (according to an article on the radio recently), but I can't imagine doing this on Twitter...

To celebrate this achievement, and the fact that we have grown from only 2 contributors (myself and Dams) to now seven members (if not all contributors on a regular basis - you know who you are... ;-)), I thought it might be nice, on 25 November (or thereabouts) to post a picture depicting or inspired by the theme of "Three".

It can be anything at all, as long as three is clear or strongly implied in the image. Carte Blanche, as the French would say.

It may be good to have a small competition, where we vote for our favourite image on that theme. We can't vote for our own, but we can express our preferences, ranked as 1st, 2nd and 3rd (of course). Max 2 images to be entered per person. A deadline for submission and voting will be set later.

Let me know what you think.



Damian Lidgard said...

Well, we always seem to fail when a consignment like this is suggested, but I very much like this rather geeky idea.

Here's hoping I come third...


Anonymous said...

I think the word is "assignment" rather than "consignment", but then you never were great with the...em...whaddayacallum...um...WORDS!

I think a consignment is a delivery of some sort..

Ivan McSnug
Senior Word Police Officer