Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Neither beach nor tree

Looking for something to post this week, I came across this little fellow from earlier this year. It fits in with the bands of colour theme that emerged in recent posts, I think. :) It's fascinating that a moth could evolve such vivid colours, especially given that this particular one decided to camouflage himself against a flat black post.

Apologies in advance to Ivan or whoever else might complain "not another bloody bug picture!" :D


Anonymous said...

An interesting shot, Colin.

We see a lot of these at the camera club, usually in their native environment and with attendant latin names. This one is good, as it has a black background, giving it a more museum specimen-type feel...

It looks a little dark, and it's hard to make out the nature of the beastie well, due to the angle being somewhat head on. If I have learned anything from enduring many shots of butterflies and dragonflies at the club, it's that showing the anatomy well is the main goal. This break that rule, which is OK, but if it does, it needs to be a little more than a colourful, slightly amorphous abstract, I think. I think brightening it up would help a bit.

Certainly very colourful and pleasing, if a little hard work.


Damian Lidgard said...

I quite like this actually. And it is totally incredible. It could be a little lighter I suppose but not sure that is important. Colours are great...and I like the shoot angle.